
© 2025 Geetha Nandakumar. All Rights Reserved | Made with ♥
Happy Birthday Dear Geetha!!
Dear Geetha Aunty,
May this milestone birthday be a reminder of all the love and happiness you have given to those around you.
I want to thank you for always making me feel welcome and like part of the family. You truly radiate warmth and positivity! I am definitely not surprised to see that you’ve touched the lives of so many.
I wish for you an abundance of health, joy, and laughter (and more travel and adventures 😉) in the years ahead.
With my warmest wishes,
Wishing Geethachechi a very happy 60th birthday!
My dearest Geetha chechi,
Wishing you so much love on your milestone birthday! You have been just such an inspiration for me in so many ways. I am making a list because that’s just what I do, and it is not in any order of importance 😜
1) Your intelligence
You, in our Cherukulam family are the shining star, the one who cracked her CA seemingly with so much ease, though I am sure I have no clue about the amount of hard work that has gone in behind the scenes. But cracking the CA was up there among getting into IIT or IIM or the IAS. And you did it in style!
2) Your strength
This is something that I don’t have enough words to express. I have seen you go through the worst and battle through to the other side, so calmly and with so much poise and just so much strength. It was such a deep and meaningful lesson for me.
3) Your love for family
This is something else that I wish I could emulate. The way you take care of everyone, being there whenever needed, or throwing open your home to anyone in town. With so much warmth and love.
4) Your spirit for travel
Amazing! Something else about you that I really admire is your enthusiasm and energy to see various parts of our world, the sheer enjoyment in these pursuits, and the will to take them up whenever you have the chance.
5) Your desserts
Need I say more? 😋🤤
I have rambled on enough, but suffice it to say, that I really look up to you, you rock, and you are a star ⭐!
Wishing you an amazing birthday and wishing you lots of adventures in your years ahead!
Lots and lots of love 😘
Happy birthday dearest Amma!
Words can and will never do justice to what you mean to me and what you have done for me. I’ve been guilty of not expressing myself and this is perhaps the perfect platform and occasion to do so.
You are 60 years old now and I can’t believe it. Somehow, you’re still the same to me. When I think about it, nothing much has changed. You’ve been the same bubbly, loving, honest and sometimes annoying (:p) mother. And that’s despite life throwing the worst it can at you. You’re still standing and fighting. You have been such an inspiration to me. You have shown me that life is worth living no matter what happens, and that one can always choose to look forward and face life with grace, strength, and kindness. Your courage, strength, and just the sheer enormity of your heart, the manner that you’ve dealt with pain and loss are all beyond words. I am so, so proud and unbelievably grateful that you are my mother. I am everything that I am because of you and Achan.
I want you to know that I have never and will never take you for granted. No matter how things might seem. I am deeply grateful from the bottom of my heart that I am your son and I love you more than words will ever express.
I want you to truly enjoy the rest of your life. There is so much more for you to do and experience. Keep smiling, keep fighting, keep inspiring us, keep enjoying life to the very fullest. As you have always done. You deserve this and more. I will always be there for you.
Your Son,
Dearest Geetchi,
Congratulations on your 60th Birthday, have a fabulous celebration with family and friends. Wishing for your success in the journey of becoming the source of your joy, contentment, and good health. Your sense humor is one to keep you in good spirits, a quality that doesn’t go away as we age.
Sending you lots of love and good wishes 💕
Remembering the sweet bride entering our lives wrapped in a green saree. Such a happy and blessed moment it was!!!
Geetha is and always will be my sister first. As you entered our house you brought with you enormous happiness and humor into our lives. All of us were thrilled beyond words can explain.
When the kids were small we could hardly afford to buy expensive shoes or dresses or anything of that sort. Geetha without any hesitation would get those things for them.
Ammu and Ammini’s wedding would not have run smooth without your physical and monetary support. This was even to the extent of correcting my chemistry answer sheets.
Thank God we got you and I pray to God to bless you with abundant happiness, good health and a long life. May God provide you with wonderful opportunities of going round the world.
Love you toooo much.
I met Geetha during the 2019 Meghalaya trip. I came alone.
We started talking and became friends within the first few hours. By God’s grace till today it is the same. We have travelled a lot together since 2019 and have a lot of wonderful memories, moments of laughter and fun.
Geetha is very much an intelligent, sincere, loyal, empathetic & trustworthy person. I can share everything with her.
I hope our friendship will stand the test of time.
I have a lot of good memories with her. Wishing you a blessed, peaceful & healthy long life. May the good God give you and your family abundance of happiness.
Talking about Geetha, she’s like a daughter to me, even though she’s my sister-in-law by relationship.
I always think of the time we spent together, specifically the holiday in Botswana. We landed in Johannesburg and all the arrangements were made for our stay & sightseeing. It was Vishu time & she had sent homemade sadya for us. The taste of her Pulissery is still on my tongue.
On this special occasion I wish her all the very best! A very, very happy birthday & many, many happy returns of the day!
God Bless her with Good Health, Happiness, Peace of Mind & many, many happy travels! 🙏❤️
Dearest, dearest Geetha chechi,
You are a really wonderful, strong and amazing human. Here’s wishing you a fantastic and super 60th birthday.
Lots and lots of love!
Wishing a very happy birthday Geetha!
Wishing you good health and happiness always!
Dearest Geethacheriamma,
On the occasion of your 60th, I wish you a very happy birthday, and a wonderful year ahead. May your days be as sweet as the unniappams you make, with just the right amount of spice to keep things interesting.
I wish for you more amazing treks and adventures, quiet cups of adrak chai in the rain, and more shots of tequila when we go clubbing again.
But more than anything, I wish for you the care and love that you always shower on us, the peace and contentment that you somehow always seem to exude, no matter how crazy the world is outside.
Happy happy birthday!
Lots of love,
Many many happy returns of the day Geetha!
Friends like you are truly a blessing, and I am forever grateful to have you by my side.
May your day be filled with lots of laughter and amazing memories.
Love you!
Wishing you a wonderful birthday Geetchechi.
We have a cache full of wonderful memories of our life in Botswana with all the ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ and our time together in Lobatse.
Thank you for being a part of our lives and we wish you the very best for the future.
Love always.
ഗീതച്ചേച്ചിയെ കുറിച്ച് എന്ത് പറയാനാ. നമ്മൾ ബോട്സ്വാനയിൽ വന്നപ്പോൾ ആദ്യം പോയത് അവരുടെ വീട്ടിലേക്കായിരുന്നു. ഒട്ടും പോലും നമ്മളെ അന്യരായീ തോന്നിപ്പിച്ചില്ല. സ്വന്തം ചേട്ടനും ചേച്ചിയ് പോലെയാണ് നന്ദുമാമയും ഗീതച്ചേച്ചിയും നമ്മളോട് പെരുമാറിയത്. എന്ത് പ്രശ്നങ്ങൾക്കും അവര്ക്ക് ഉപായം ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നു. ബോട്സ്വാനയിൽ അഡ്ജസ്റ്റ് ആവാൻ നമ്മക്ക് ഒട്ടും പോലും ബുദ്ധിമുട്ടുണ്ടായീല്ല. ഗീതച്ചേച്ചി നല്ലൊരു പാചകക്കാരി ആയിരുന്നു. ഓട്ടോളും സമയം നമ്മൾ അവരുടെ കയ്പുണ്യം അസ്സ്വദിച്ചട്ടുണ്ട്. രണ്ടായിരത്തി ഏഴിൽ അവർ ഇന്ത്യയിലേക്ക് തിരിച്ചു മടങ്ങിയപ്പോൾ എനിക്കും ലക്ഷ്മിക്കും നമ്മുടെ ലൈഫിൽ വലിയൊരു vaccum പോലെ തോന്നി. താ ഇപ്പൊ നമ്മളും തിരിച്ചെത്തി. ഇത് വരെയും ഗീതച്ചേച്ചിയെ കാണാൻ പറ്റിയട്ടില്ല. നല്ല വിഷമം ഉണ്ട്. ഗീതച്ചേച്ചി അറുപതു വയസായി എന്ന് വിശ്വസിക്കാൻ പറ്റുന്നില്ല. പിന്നെ എന്റെ വയസോർക്കുമ്പോൾ വിശ്വസിച്ചേ പറ്റൂ. ഗീതച്ചേച്ചിക്കു ഷഷ്ടിപൂർത്തി ആശംസകൾ.
എന്ന്. സ്വന്തം കുടുവയും ലക്ഷ്മിയും.
PS മലയാളം ടൈപ്പിംഗ് സോഫ്ട്വെയർ ഉപയോഗിച്ചട്ടാണ് ഇത് എഴുതിയത്. സ്പെല്ലിങ് മിസ്ടകെസ് ഉണ്ടാകാം. ക്ഷമിക്കണം.
Dear Geetha
I still remember when Raju told me that a chartered accountant couple were joining Acme in 1989. I expected to meet with a snobbish lady CA…well that was my personal opinion about them at that time 😜… until I met with you…So down to earth and broad minded…ready to learn! I just took so much liberty with you…took your little Appu home every day…sometimes without your permission.
My respect for you went up so much when I saw you coping with Nandu’s sudden demise along with your own medical conditions…What a strong lady!!!! 🎩s off to you👏👏👏
May the Lord Almighty bless you with happiness and health in the years ahead!
Thank you for being my friend 🙏🏽🙏🏽 Looking forward to meeting you.
Happy 60th birthday!!!!!💐💐💐💐
Wishing a very happy birthday to Geetha ammayi.
The thing that strikes me most is the ease with which I could talk to you. Whenever I meet you it is as though we are picking up from where we left off earlier.
Thank you for being such a cool ammayi!!
Lots of love,
Happy birthday, dear Geetha Chechi!
Reflecting on the wonderful journey we’ve shared since I arrived in Lobatse in 2000 with the kids, I can’t help but be grateful for your constant presence and support in our lives.
Working alongside you and Nandumama was truly a joy. I fondly remember being your assistant, and how we laughed at the playful comparisons to Jayalalitha and Sashikala made by Rajagopal. Our children, too, became friends, attending Crescent School together and enjoying the spirited Bhajanas we had every weekend. Those days were filled with happiness and melodies as Nandumama and Nanu sang with full enthusiasm.
When we moved to Gabs and continued working together at Acme, our bond only grew stronger. Our kids continued their education at Al-nur School, and we cherished numerous memorable trips together. Geetha Chechi, you’ve always been there for us, providing unwavering support through thick and thin, leaving me with nothing but heartwarming memories.
Even when life took you and Nandumama back to India, our connection remained intact through constant communication. Your presence was especially comforting during the difficult times when Bharathan passed away in 2012. Your support during that time meant the world to us.
As the years went by, we faced both joys and sorrows, but our friendship remained constant. Geetha Chechi, you have been a second mother to my Meenu in Bangalore, always there for her with open arms and a caring heart. I can’t thank you enough for being a pillar of strength in our lives.
On your special day, I want to wish you all the happiness and prosperity in the world. May this day bring you endless joy and fulfilment. Here’s to many more years of your cheerful presence. And thinking about how both you and Bharathan were extremely fond of sweets, always brings a smile to my face.
Happy birthday, Geetha Chechi! With love and warmest wishes, may this day and all the days ahead be blessed with happiness and love. Cheers to you! 🎉🎂🎈
Happy birthday to our dearest Geetha! Welcome to the 60s!
May you be blessed with long life, loads of happiness, good health and the best that life has to offer because you are Simply the Best!!
Come, let’s make this the best decade of our lives!
With love and hugs,
Dearest Geethcheriamme,
As I sit down to write this note for you, I’m not sure where to start, because I cannot remember a time where you haven’t been around. It feels strangely as if we grew up together. Sometimes an aunt, as I was getting older a confidante, a co-experimentor in the kitchen, sometimes somebody who I could complain about the adults to, it’s like at different times in my life you’ve known and been there in different ways. Gently, unobtrusively, uncomplainingly, persistently. I didn’t have to ask. You knew. How to be there.
When I was younger, your perspective on most things came as a pleasant surprise. Don’t be pressured, do what you want, remember to have fun. A reminder. Almost like an adult giving me permission to listen to myself and follow my own inner instincts even when everyone outside was telling me what to do.
When I doubted myself, you firmly believed in me. Not just in me but all of us. You firmly believed that we knew what we were doing, even when we didn’t. And for a young girl, navigating the world, that meant a lot. Today when I look back I marvel at the gentle way in which you have always stood firmly for yourself and for all of us.
Gentle as a cloud, and firm as a mountain – both at the same time. Even through the hardest times, and the darkest nights, I’ve seen you walk gently but surely. I am much older now and I know as an adult, as a woman, how much of inner work it takes to firmly believe in myself, when there are so many voices on the outside.
Over the last couple of years, it’s almost as if you grow younger as I grow older. Your adventure spirit seeking newer avenues, and your curious soul wanting to keep learning. And every time I see you I think, that’s how I want to be.
And so on this birthday I wish for you the best things – arduous treks in the mountains, the echoing silence of the valleys, the cackle of birds in a forest, a warm cup of coffee on a cold morning. I wish that there are many journeys, thrilling and exciting; and that you find magic hiding in unexpected corners. I wish that sometimes when you look into the mirror you are able to see what we see – an incredibly brave and beautiful woman unafraid of following her heart.
But mostly I wish for you immense happiness, the kind that overflows and makes your eyes crinkle. We love you to bits and hope that as you grow younger and we grow older, we can be for you even half of what you have been for me.
Petite…pretty 🤩…a quiet presence…intelligent…her soft and gracious personality does not give away the dynamo that Geetha is…
Deeply caring, always helping and loving…she presents a calm & strong front in the face of all that life has thrown at her
She is grounded and realistic and continues to work towards the best possible outcome in her own and her Family’s life. She shows up every time, unconditionally and intuitively takes on what is required to be done…In a very deep way; she truly cares. Geetha also is brutally honest & integral with herself and she shares of her deep wisdom and very unique perspectives in whatever she says or does.
A keen explorer & traveller, and a great friend, my wish for her is that she can travel to every continent and country, scale every mountain that she wishes to…and having fun with friends. And I hope to travel with her on these explorations of places we have never visited before.
A sports lover and a diehard Roger Federer fan, Geetha keeps herself updated on current affairs. Geetha holds a wealth of wisdom and knowledge of politics, history and all things that matter to her. She Loves Sudoku, is a smart Maths brain, has a great memory and loves literature, especially Malayalam literature.
The year was 1989…when I met Geetha…at her wedding to Nandu. I have known Geetha for 33 years plus, and she is one of my closest friends. I’ve read somewhere that certain souls are closely linked and in some way or the other they will be closely linked across multiple births. I feel that kind of connection with Geetha. I am so grateful that they decided to settle in Bangalore and that we live next door to each other. I am blessed to have her in my life, and I know that our friendship will last more than a lifetime.
On this special Occasion of her Shashtipoorthi, I would like to wish Geetha a wonderful day with Family & friends, many many years of Good Health, Peace of mind, Exciting adventure trips, Fun Times & all that she would wish for.
Lots and Lots of Love
Dearest Geethchi,
Wishing you a very happy birthday on your special day from the bottom of my heart. You have been an extraordinary woman, always there with your love and support, especially during the toughest of times. Your strength and resilience are truly remarkable, and I admire your unwavering spirit.
Your zest for life is contagious and inspiring. No matter what challenges come your way, you face them head-on with determination and a positive outlook. Your smile, which radiates warmth and happiness, has the power to uplift everyone around you.
On this special milestone, I encourage you to keep going and embracing life with the same zest & enthusiasm that has defined you. Continue to chase your dreams and savor the precious moments that life has to offer. Wishing you many, many more years of joy, success, and fulfillment.
May this birthday be a celebration of all that you are and all that you have accomplished. Cherish the love of your family and friends and bask in the well-deserved admiration for the incredible person you are.
Happy 60th birthday, Geethchi! May your day and the years ahead be filled with love, laughter, good health, and endless blessings.
Lots & Lots of Love & Hugs,
Dearest Geetha chechi,
I have often felt that talking to you is like talking to a close friend. We may not be in touch every single day but when we do talk we are able to pick up from where we left off. Conversations with you are easy and that’s possible because of the person you are. There is so much to you. You have varied interests and are so excited to learn new things. You have a child like curiosity and wonder which many of us often lose along the way.
Geetha chechi, your love for travel speaks volumes. You are willing to step out of your comfort zone and absorb something completely new. For you to have traveled and met the people you have on your journey, to have experienced things and lived moments that are truly unique – we can’t think of a more fulfilling way to experience life. To discover something about yourself every time and to humble yourself and let go.
There is so much both Prabin and I learn and take in from you. We’re clearly missing out on so much more by not being able to actually spend time with you. Please know, that in your own way, you make an impact.
Here’s to all the places that await you, the people you will meet along the way, the stories we hope to someday listen to or perhaps even read.
Here’s to you dear Geetha chechi – Happy birthday!
Loads of love & hugs
Dear Gee,
I am really really happy that you are part of our family circle. Many a times without you, the family group is incomplete.
I am not sure if you are aware… but your presence brings in lot of ease within the group… and every problem seems manageable and solvable… while you approach a given situation with ease, no one probably knows the depths of knowledge and perspectives that you bring in… and that is what makes everything sooooo easy.
I have seen you getting to the deep valleys of helplessness and struggle …. and yet I have seen you rise like a phoenix. You have been awesome.. All of us adore you for what you are.
I also loved the prankster in you. Your ability to laugh at the situation and above all that ability to laugh at yourself is amazing. I like your Never say die spirit. Spread it in the universe.
Geethe, we are so fortunate to have you amongst us. You are a part of us and remain so forever …
Look forward to a wonderful celebration in 2023 and beyond…
Dearest Geechechi/ Geetchechiamma,
Wishing you a very happy 60th birthday….you are a very special part of our lives and we respect and love you very much 🙏🏽❤ .May Poornathreysan always shower His unconditional Grace on you, Appu and Annan.
Lots of love and best wishes,
It’s unbelievable that you are knocking on the doors to turn 60 … and what better occasion than this to wish you the best of everything that life has to offer you..
You have been a significant part of our memories created in Botswana. Especially the earlier days.
We pray the god almighty blesses you with good health and happiness and a great life ahead.
Stay happy , stay the free spirited person that you are… stay blessed..
Once again wishing you a very very happy birthday… sending you loads of love always..
Happy Shashtipurthi to our dearest Geethachechi.
Today is a day of immense joy and celebration as we gather to honor a remarkable human being who has left an everlasting impression on our lives. As we sit here reminiscing about our cherished days in Botswana, we can’t help but overflow with love and gratitude for the incredible person you are.
You have forever etched yourself into the tapestry of our hearts as the warm and nurturing “Annapurneshwari.” Your hospitality knew no bounds, and the memories of those impromptu gatherings, where we would hop into your home any time of the day, still bring a smile to our face. The super big dosas and the grand feasts you laid before us were not merely delicious meals but a reflection of the immense love and care you poured into every dish and every person.
The late-night conversations we shared in Lobatse are treasured memories that time cannot fade. Those moments of endless chit-chats, laughter, heartfelt discussions, and the thrill of climbing the Lobatse hill after indulging in your sumptuous lunches are stories we recount with fondness and nostalgia.
Your intelligence and simplicity have always captivated us. You possess a wisdom that goes beyond words, yet you wear it with the utmost humility, making everyone around you feel valued and loved.
You have embraced the role of a nurturing mother with unwavering determination alongside your professional achievements. Your two boys are the reflection of your best upbringing, instilling in them the values of compassion and love. We have seen you as a solid pillar of strength and support to Nandu chettan ,and the words “Geethee”, “Geethee” for every missing thing at home takes us back to our good old memories in Botswana and also cherish the incredible trip to Pretoria.
Travelling is an inseparable part of your life now. Your love for exploring new places, experiencing diverse cultures and connecting with people from all walks of life has enriched your perspective. Through your adventures you have inspired us to embrace the beauty of the world around us.
As you step into this new chapter of life, dear Geethachechi, may it be a journey filled with abundant blessings, cherished memories, and dreams fulfilled. Your presence in our life has been an immeasurable gift, and we thank Almighty for granting us the privilege of knowing you.
Here’s to the countless memories we’ve shared and to the many more we’ll create together. Happy 60th birthday, with all our love and warmest wishes.
With all our love,
Dear Amma,
Thank you. Words don’t do enough justice to what I wish to communicate but hopefully it can be understood. I am ever grateful for you for having raised me and brought me up with the values and wisdom that I have imbibed. I have my love of the world and kindness from you both. I wish you to experience all the happiness you can.
As life begins and the light shines through,
You were there ready to hold my hand and guide me through,
Growing up, family was the world and slowly you showed me how truly wide the world is.
We may have had our disagreements as I formed an identity of my own but family has always been the place I could come back to.
You were sure to always let me know that you were there for me in the hard times even when you might not have known.
I have become who I am thanks to your efforts. I hope you are proud of me as I am of you.
At the end all I can say is Thank you. For everything. It seems pale in comparison to the experiences we have had but it is thanks to the love we share that we have been able to overcome and evolve.
Always wishing you the best and you will always have my love my dear mother.
Thank you.
We can’t believe that we are missing out on your sashtipurthi! In fact, we cant believe you are old enough for your sasthipurthi! Growing up you were the brilliant, highly successful aunt who cleared CA on her first attempt.
Over time you became the cool aunt – who could sense our emotions and would be supportive of our choices logical or illogical, thought out or ridiculous. While during our growing up years we would get to meet only once a year, only after you returned to Bangalore do we realise what we truly missed.
The cool aunt became the cool-fun aunt, whether it be passionate debates on Federer-Nadal or the wild energy while watching a football game or the nuances of cooking the perfect kurukku kaalan or opinions on how sweet payasam should really be or travel experiences – we cherished it all. The Valley of Flower hike will remain one of my all time favorite travel memories and would not have happened without you.
Those few days spent trekking the mountain with you, my aunt, is priceless.
You have been a true inspiration — the many facets you to your personality, the many hats you wear everyday, the resilience and the strength you demonstrate. Love you so, so much.
Oorvi and Om sends their thuppal dipped umma and your dearest Pema lots of licks. Come off here soon, cant wait!
Lots of love,
Happy Pirannallu!!
Hello to the coolest ammayi,
Ever since I knew you, you were always cheerful, calm and cool 😎 you have never scolded us:)When I grew up and started understanding about studies, I still remember I was taken by a surprise when I heard you were a gold medalist 👩🎓. You have always supported us and being with us throughout our journey. We are so happy to see that you have reached another milestone in your life. Hope we were there to celebrate it with you. I hope you get to travel more in the coming years. Wishing you a life filled with happiness, joy, peace and excitement!
With lots and lots of love and hugs ❤️❤️
Happy birthday to our strong dynamic sis, Geetha chechi! You are not 60 but you are two times thirty. Have a contented healthy and long life. Wishing you another four decades of happiness and health.
Although we have been together only during holidays and breaks, we fondly remember the way you took care of our needs and made special food whenever we visited Bangalore. You and Nandu chetta (bless his soul) were always there for Acha and Amma and took care of their every need.
You were always a pillar of strength, and we really admire you Geetha chechi.
Loads of love,
Geetha is crossing a milestone in life! Or not?
For me, Geetha and Satheesan duo were the childhood bridge to cultural changes – from that of a rustic boy to a city educated one. Geetha and brother presented a very grounded, very cultured and someone whom I would like to emulate.
Growing at different paces and places, Geetha’s wedding was a festival of life. Her innocence and integrity, he inner strength and honesty fostered a family that became toast of our household. As the tragedy struck so hard in the face, her inner strength rose to its heights. Somewhere in my mind, I knew that Geetha would rise above all the tribulations of life and stand with an unwavering belief in herself. She is an inspiration for the family.
Geetha is a symbol of patience, struggle, victory and determination to live life to its fullness. A few moments spent with Geetha brings a sense of calmness to life. A sense of purpose evolves, a purposeful life unveils.
As Geetha continues her travels seeing places through different eyes, different views, different feelings, I wish my beloved cousin the best. I am confident of Hari and Varun who will always be there for her support and happiness.
God bless you, Geetha
You r 16…Going on 17…🥰🥰🥰
The beautiful Geechechi, in the good old nadathara days with wild hair and sparkling eyes (and you thought you have uppan’s eyes😃). We thought you looked like Srividya…and you roamed about in some dull paavada and unkept hair, forever arguing with mundittyammaaan. I never saw you combing your hair… a tradition that u religiously follow till today 😂😂
Happy birthday to one of the strongest persons I have ever met. Pursue all your interests and passions, my dear Geechechi. Life begins now..😊😊
Excited to be a part of your journey.
Love you.
Geetha, wishing you all the best on your 60th birthday; hope you have a lovely day. Thank you for being a part of our lives.
I have known you since our CA days and you are one friend who has constantly kept in touch since then. Even when you were in Botswana, you took time to come and see us with your family, whenever you visited Bangalore. And once you settled in Bangalore, you have been so resourceful. I would like to give full credit to you for making me sign up for the valuation of CA papers, for joining FFD, and for our trip to Masai Mara. Thanks for being supportive and encouraging me in doing things that I have been doing.
It has been such a wonderful journey with you, and I wish this continues. Your genuine nature, care, and love have kept us bonded together. I am blessed to have such a good friend and I’m grateful to GOD that we met while we were studying for CA.
I pray to The Almighty that He will never let fear get in the way of your dreams! Here is -Wishing you a 60th birthday filled with smiles, laughter, and endless joy!!
Geecheryamma is a true G. Gracious. Genuine. Gangster. Guardian.
She is as gracious as the ocean itself, ebbing and flowing with all that life brings her, always with a smile on her face. The love, warmth and compassion that she holds within her is something else! I’ve seen few people in my life who have the grit and the grace that she does. Much ahead of her times, she keeps an open mind and an open heart in every situation. Her love for travel and her fascination for sports are two things that keep our conversations enjoyable and endless and those are the things I love about her.
Like I said Geecherryamma, you’re a true G ❤
I share an age gap of almost 2 decades with Geethachechi and so my first memory of you is your marriage day.
Your grace is what intrigued me as a child. And over the years I have known you to be a resilient woman, braving it all with a charming smile.
I pray for all the happiness you wish and loads of love.
Happy birthday!
Dearest Geetha,
Happy 60th Birthday 🎈 wishing you many many more…
May the Almighty continue to shower his choicest blessings….cheers to great health!
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